Golden Star

Starlit Treasures

Hidden within every woman are treasures of intelligence, unique talents, and strengths. In a world that can be shadowed by darkness, or like crystals encased in a treasure chest of dreams and possibilities, they hold an enchanting beauty that glows when their qualities are embraced and celebrated. ‘Starlit Treasures’ is inspired by the women of Golden Star, who are known for their linguistic skills and expertise. Just like stars in the night sky, they can light up the world when they’re given the chance to shine.


Riska, also known as Holakanola, is a Jakarta-based Illustrator with a deep passion for fairytales, folktales, and intricate details. Her enchanting style is a vibrant fusion of patterns and colors, designed to captivate and amuse the beholder's eyes, much like the magic of reading a fairytale.